Sabtu, 30 Desember 2017

GIMMER adalah Menyediakan Platform Perdagangan Crypto Terbaik

30 Desember 2017
Halo semua !
Kembali lagi dengan saya epengcupeng12 disini saya akan membahas proyek yang sangat bagus tentang proyek "{ Gimmer }" Mari kita mulai ?

Hasil gambar untuk hadiah gimmer

Apa itu GIMMER ?
Gimmer terciptanya intrik dan frustrasi, dimulai saat dua teman baik fans blockchain memutuskan untuk melihat kriptocurrency perdagangan. Namun, semakin jauh penampilan mereka, semakin tahannya. Pintu masuknya sangat besar dan kurva belajarnya lebih besar lagi. Dengan pengalaman di atas. Desain memiliki pengembangan platform trading kripto yang dinamis. Ini dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana kita menggunakan keahlian tim kami untuk membuat trading cryptocurrency mudah dan mudah diakses oleh semua orang. Sampai saat ini, Gimmer (saat ini dalam kerja beta) telah didanai sendiri oleh tim.

Sudah ada subdomain platform trading otomatis, tapi mereka sangat kompleks untuk digunakan dan sulit dimengerti. Mereka membutuhkan pengetahuan pemrograman yang sedang, yang mengasingkan pelanggan baru dan terbukti jatuh waktu bagi pedagang yang lebih berpengalaman. Gimmer memecahkan masalah ini, yang cepat dan mudah dipasang tanpa pengetahuan tentang keahlian atau pemrograman trading yang dibutuhkan.

Tujuan GIMMER ?
Tujuan kami adalah menyediakan platform trading kripto terbaik yang tersedia yang cepat dan mudah digunakan dan mudah diakses oleh semua pelanggan terlepas dari latar belakang atau pengalaman trading mereka. Dengan Gimmer Anda tidak harus menjadi trader ahli atau mengetahui pemrograman apapun. terhubung ke akun pertukaran pelanggan dan pelanggan kriptografi, lalu gunakan bot bot algoritma algoritme mutakhir untuk diperdagangkan atas nama pelanggan berdasarkan parameter yang ditetapkan oleh pelanggan. Bot tidak memerlukan keahlian pemrograman, tidak ada pengalaman trading sebelumnya dan tidak ada pengetahuan mendalam yang diperlukan untuk kripto Gimmer cocok untuk siapa saja yang ingin berdagang dan berinvestasi di pasar kripto di bawah dan tidak memiliki keahlian atau waktu yang relevan untuk

menonton pasar sepanjang hari Kunjungi situs resmi


   Cocok untuk pedagang berpengalaman, menengah dan pemula

   Bots perdagangan otomatis bekerja 24/7 sehingga Anda tidak perlu melakukannya

   Tidak ada pengalaman trading atau pengetahuan pemrograman sebelumnya yang dibutuhkan

   Komunitas sosial terpadu jadi anda bisa belajar dengan sesama trader

   Menggunakan teknologi terbaru agar akun Anda tetap aman

   Hubungkan bot Anda ke bursa utama seperti Poloniex, Bitfinex, Bittrex dan banyak lainnya


Perdagangan bot kripto otomatis standar ditawarkan secara gratis. Ini termasuk penggunaan satu indikator, satu keamanan dan satu pasang, tanpa leverage


Bots trading kripto otomatis cepat dan mudah diatur dengan strategi trading Anda sendiri, terintegrasi dengan bursa utama: Bitfinex, Poloniex, Bittrex, OkCoin dan banyak lainnya.


Menghasilkan uang dengan cara menyewa strategi Anda ke pelanggan lain melalui toko bot


Multi-coin trading memungkinkan Anda memilih beberapa koin untuk diperdagangkan melawan, bot bekerja dengan Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash dan banyak lainnya.


Backtesting gratis memungkinkan Anda untuk menguji strategi Anda selama periode perdagangan sebelumnya untuk melihat bagaimana hal itu dilakukan berdasarkan data historis


Modus Simulator memungkinkan Anda untuk mencoba strategi secara real time, tanpa mata uang riil sehingga pengguna bisa mendapatkan kepercayaan diri


Tambahkan dari banyak indikator ke strategi Anda untuk memaksimalkan trading Anda


Tambahkan dari banyak safeties ke strategi Anda untuk membatasi atau mencegah kerugian


Pilih antara mode trading yang berbeda dan pilih format indikator untuk bekerja sama


Perdagangan arbitrase, menghasilkan keuntungan dengan menukar harga koin yang berbeda antara bursa, membeli bitcoin atau kripto lainnya dengan harga termurah dan menjual dengan harga paling mahal.


Jaringan perdagangan sosial sehingga Anda bisa terhubung dengan pedagang lain dan mendiskusikan strategi


Portofolio bot (strategi minimal 2) berdasarkan profil risiko nasabah. Hal ini ditujukan terutama pada pelanggan yang mencari lebih banyak fokus investasi


Lakukan pinjaman, gunakan kecerdasan buatan untuk berinvestasi dalam mata uang yang paling banyak defisit, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Dollar, jadi dapatkan bunga yang lebih besar.


Proses onboard untuk mengidentifikasi profil risiko pengguna untuk menciptakan investasi yang dipersonalisasi.


Aplikasi ringan DAPP yang ringan, ringan dan hemat biaya DAPP untuk pelanggan.


Buat strategi trading Anda sendiri dengan menggunakan antarmuka point and click yang mudah digunakan

Pilih beberapa pasangan mata uang untuk diperdagangkan dan biarkan bot kami menentukan pasangan mana yang akan diperdagangkan kapan

Pilih dari berbagai strategi perdagangan yang dibuat oleh sesama trader

Pilih dari daftar indikator dan safeties yang berkembang untuk menciptakan strategi trading utama Anda


Untuk mendapatkan rasa bagaimana Gimmer bekerja, silahkan coba demo backtest kami, menggunakan data historis dan bukan modal nyata.

Marilah kita tahu apa yang Anda pikirkan!


Ekosistem Gimmer memiliki bentuk mata uang sendiri yang disebut Gimmer Tokens (GMR). Setiap pembelian, sewa, penjualan, pertukaran, hadiah atau biaya yang dibuat di ekosistem akan memerlukan penggunaan Token GMR.

Mulai: 1 Februari 2018 (12:00 UCT) 
Akhir: 28 Februari 2018 (12:00 UCT)

15.000.000 GMR

85.000.000 GMR
(ditambah token presale yang tidak terjual)
35.000 ETH

4.800 ETH

1 ETH = 2500 GMR 
(ditambah bonus yang berlaku)

0,1 ETH


Jumlah GMR yang dibuat untuk hadiah, penasihat, cadangan dan tim akan setara dengan 10% dari jumlah token GMR yang dikeluarkan (Tokens terjual ditambah bonus yang ditawarkan). (Bounties + 4% dari total token yang dikeluarkan. Advisor, backup & team + 6% dari total token yang dikeluarkan)

Semua dana yang terkumpul selama Penjualan Token akan digunakan untuk mengendarai Gimmer di sepanjang peta jalan kami sehingga kami bisa membawa Gimmer lebih cepat kepada Anda. Bagan berikut memecah bagaimana dana yang terkumpul akan dibagi antara fungsi inti.
  • 45% Pengembangan dan operasi

  • 35% Pemasaran dan akuisisi
  • 15% Pendiri dan tim
  • 5% Hukum dan kepatuhan

Dengan bantuan pendukung, kontributor dan investor, inilah tonggak sejarah yang ingin kita capai dan kapan :
  • Q2 2018
Desentralisasi Gimmer dan lepaskan sebagai DAPP sehingga lebih murah dan cepat digunakan, dan memberi pengguna kemampuan untuk menjalankan lebih banyak bot pada saat yang sama.

  • Q3 2018
Hubungkan ke beberapa akun pertukaran dan gunakan bot Gimmer untuk menganalisis pertukaran mana yang akan memberi tingkat terbaik untuk menjual aset, lalu secara otomatis mengalokasikan ulang untuk mendapatkan tingkat bunga terbaik.

  • Triwulan 2018
Buat bot untuk memantau pasar pinjaman dan menawarkan pinjaman pada mata uang dengan tingkat pengembalian terbaik.

  • Q1 2019
Aplikasi sederhana dengan notifikasi push agar pengguna tetap up to date dengan kinerjanya setiap saat.

  • Q2 2019
Agar Gimmer fungsional dengan 8 bursa baru saat ini

  • Q2 2019
Uji waktu nyata untuk strategi trading bot menggunakan data pasar riil, namun tanpa perlu menggunakan kripto kardiak sebenarnya.

  • Q3 2019
Aktifkan pengguna untuk menyalin seluruh aktivitas pedagang lainnya sehingga memberi mereka potensi keuntungan dan kerugian yang sama.

  • Q4 2019
Bot ini bertujuan untuk mengambil keuntungan kecil dan reguler dari perdagangan nilai lebih rendah.

  • Q4 2019
Agar Gimmer fungsional dengan 8 bursa baru saat ini.

  • Q1 2020
Bots AI akan memiliki berbagai fitur keren seperti indikator hibrida dan strategi pengujian sendiri untuk menemukan yang paling menguntungkan.

  • Q2 2020
Buat profil risiko Anda sendiri sehingga strategi yang sesuai dapat disesuaikan dan disarankan.

  • Q3 2020
Gabungkan beberapa strategi bot perdagangan menjadi satu strategi portofolio tunggal. Anda bisa membuat strategi portofolio publik atau membuatnya tersedia untuk disewakan ke pengguna lain melalui toko bot.

  • Q4 2020
Agar Gimmer fungsional dengan 8 bursa baru saat ini.

  • Q1 2021
Bot AI ini yang akan membuat dan menguji strategi yang berbeda dan akan merekomendasikan - berdasarkan profil risiko Anda - strategi bot perdagangan paling menguntungkan bagi Anda.

untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang proyek "{ GIMMER }" masukkan alamat website kami di bawah ini dan terima kasih:

Globcoin ico

30 December 2017
Hello, all !
come back with me epengcupeng12 here i will talk about a very good project about project "{ Globcoin }" Let's get started?

GLOBCOIN is a unit of currency basket that tracks the 15 largest global currencies and gold. These characteristics enable GLOBCOIN to act as a global value store, effectively creating the world's first "reserve currency". The cart portfolio aims to capitalize on market trends toward a global and multipolar world by utilizing intelligent algorithms using each country's GDP adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity. So with easy words GLOBCOIN will be the first global coin.

GLOBCOIN provides market leading pricing and technology, wrapped in convenient applications that are suitable for all types of customers - expatriates, travelers, students, and, increasingly, "global nomads".

This is a perfect solution for anyone looking to save money while traveling or send money abroad. GLOBCOIN represents the future of FX, bringing global market forces to the fingertips of its cardholders. We plan to add GLX to the currency available on the card. We add new subscribers every day, without expensive, widespread advertising, but mainly word of mouth.


The GCP price appreciation will be driven by the level of Platform adoption and the success of any currency basket launched using the infrastructure. The GCP Token grants rights holder the right to claim prizes for transaction fees collected on a quarterly basis. Since GCP token holders do not receive dividends and there are a number of tokens issued, if GLOBCOIN is widely adopted, token values ​​are expected to increase. A simple evaluation is to model the market size that GLOBCOIN can represent and divide by the total number of tokens.

There are two markets with both big markets, we will see information from some of the existing companies that offer fiat currency accented like USDT. From there, we make assumptions about what market volumes can be captured by solutions such as GLOBCOIN and apply our basic cost schedule.

In early June 2016, GLOBCOIN® Multi Savings Account and MasterCard MasterCard GLOBCOIN customers are offered to customers in the SEPA (Western Europe) region. This platform can be accessed via the internet or through an application, offering a combination of multi currency and savings payments. GLOBCOIN® makes life easier, cheaper and gives you full control over currency risk management. You can upload your account via bank or credit / debit card in your preferred currency, change currency with interbank interest rate, spend and withdraw money abroad. No commissions and no hidden fees! And what is good for us, the consumer - GLOBCOIN card is free and does not bear any obligations. This card will suit you if you travel a lot or use many currencies and want to get the best exchange rate or you can use the card as a local card in eurozone, UK, USA, Switzerland, Canada and Poland. You can apply for a card or download APP -https: //

You can ask why you need a coin, like Globcoin, but you will get the answer - we all live in a global world. Where up to 1 cup of coffee comes from several different lands, and every farm wants to receive payment, it is its own currency. While saving global centralized banking systems, people now believe in the same currency as their own, because they lose confidence in their national currency and, therefore, the "savings" function. As a medium of exchange as a depository and as an account unit, clear evidence is needed which now shows "global currency".

Today I will soon have a meaning in another Swiss company - Globcoin. This group started 20 years ago in 1998 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Currently, Globcoin is based in Switzerland and the UK and is aimed at the Crypto market, using a new digital coin called GLX, which is associated with a set of fiat currencies from the world's 15 largest countries and 5% Gold. Its value is played by the world economy, including new components and trends, such as emerging economies like China or India, while maintaining a good balance of Western economic currencies.

Well, now, finally, about the most interesting tokens, ICO, softcaps, hardcaps. Preparation for pre-natal 2018, exact 08 January / 2018 and will work for 4 days until 12 January / 2018. Bonus will be applied during presale sale. Therefore, if you are planning to invest, you consider it for the 08 / Jan / 2018 mark on your calendar and remember that the stamp for the pre-sale limit of 30,000 ET 13 / Jan / 2018 will start the main ICO event and lasts until 31/20 January Basic price 100 GCP for 1 ETH (currently ~ $ 3.66 for 1 GCP (1ETH = 366 USD) SoftCap is 10,000 ETH, otherwise you can return HardCap 150.00 ETH The total is 41.900.000, Everything will be divided according to it

It is important to note that the KYC / AML procedure is in place, so be prepared to share some level of information with Globcoin. (KYC - find your customers, AML - money against money laundering)

Summary. The prospect of project mapping because of an interesting idea has become an operating card and a very experienced team. If you get free funds, Globcoin can be a good investment. Thank you for reading, subscribing and coming with me.

If you want to join Globcoin please see the link below



Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

Loci - new solutions in the field of patents and invention

30 December 2017
Hello every friend!
Back again with me epengcupeng12 here I will discuss a very good project about project "loci" Let's get started ?

In every part of our big world there are people who burn their ideas every day, develop them, and eventually make discoveries. And surely most of these people want to learn about their invention, and it becomes famous by their name, and not under others. Therefore, people are trying to get a license for their invention and patenting it.

  Loci is a platform for licensing of intellectual property rights. With this platform, you can be more economical and quickly patent your invention. Loci offers a large patent database and great searches that will soon find special patents for your request. It also provides an opportunity to declare the right to their discovery of blocking technology. And Loci made it possible to find his invention, that the inventor would receive a token for his invention.

The platform will operate its own token - Locicoin. With it you can use all services from the platform. To develop the Loci project, the team launched this token sale. Token token sales will help project development. 100,000,000 Locus tokens have been issued, of which 30,000,000 will be sold. The Locicoin price is $ 2.49 on par with ETH.

  Team Loci is a specialist in the field of patents and inventions. They have the experience and knowledge needed to develop this scale project. This is John Wise - Executive Director, Brian Hwang - Production Manager, Eric Ross - Director of Technology.

  You can also support the Loci team and take part in the sale of the Locicoin token.

for more information about the project "{Loci}" enter our website website address below and thank you :


PARETO - Рынок и вознаграждение Парето

30 декабря 2017 года
Привет всем !
Еще раз со мной epengcupeng12 здесь я расскажу о очень хорошем проекте о проекте «{pareto}« Начнем ?

Image result for poreto network coin bounty


Платформа и экосистема Парето нацелены на создание ценности за счет повышения эффективности общего криптовалютного рынка. Платформа имеет несколько аспектов:

Предполагаемые пользователи сети Pareto должны иметь токен Pareto (PXT)
для доступа к сети Парето. Используя механизм вознаграждения,
Сеть Парето поощряет производство товарной информации, на которую можно
и помогают пользователям токена Pareto отфильтровывать звуки из содержательной информации.
Еще более тонко, благодаря таксономии и организации информационных каналов, Сеть Парето будет играть роль в построении такого типа информации
генерирует и повышает уровень понимания инвестиционного анализа криптовалютности.

Инфраструктура Pareto Network разработана после исследования идеалов, недостатков и преимуществ других тестов за последние полтора десятилетия. Неспособность решать или согласовывать экономические стимулы целевых участников рынка препятствует реализации многих проектов. Философия Pareto Network может быть расширена до существующих и будущих предложений криптоактивных активов, чтобы привлечь капитал к этому месту и воплотить общие идеалы для развития финансового сектора и мира вокруг него с помощью прокси.

Обзор платформы
Сеть Парето будет способствовать росту экосистем для создания
и распределение контента, связанного с инвестициями в криптоактивные активы.

Исходный информационный контент
Сеть Pareto будет глотать и распространять информацию, которая может быть полезной для ее участников в принятии инвестиционных решений на криптовалютном рынке. Информация будет включать (но не ограничивается) следующее:

Отчеты аналитиков - токены или
новые и существующие инвестиции • Отраслевые отчеты
(например, хранение, прогнозирование, вычисление)

  • Аналитик сообщает о доходах от разведки / добычи
  • Технические торговые уведомления и отчеты
  • Обзор базового кода
  • Оценка уязвимости и безопасность кода
  • Оценка инструментов инвестора
  • Оценка и обсуждение инструментов управления фондами
  • Обследование инвестиционного менеджера Crypto

Авторы Contributor Contributors

контент может быть индивидуальным, групповым или организационным. Они могут быть
выдает информацию об одном элементе или несколько элементов, генерируемых время от времени.
Они могут производить непрерывный поток информации.

Для добавления контента вкладчика будет два этапа. во время
На первом этапе Парето набирает квалифицированных вкладчиков для начала создания потока

информацию, которая может быть немедленно использована пользователями токена. Эти первоначальные Авторы контента будут вознаграждены Парето за то, чтобы база данных информации, доступной для пользователей, была очень сильной и ценной. На втором этапе участники будут расти органично, поскольку вкладчики будут

заинтересованы в сети; им будет предоставлен стимул добавлять контент для получения вознаграждений и токенов PXT от пользователей. Материалы, представленные в Сеть Парето, открыты для всех.

Авторы контента будут платить Pareto за то, чтобы сделать их контент доступным для пользователей. Эта плата также предотвратит спам или другой неподходящий или неактуальный контент
Стимулы и вознаграждения

Сеть Парето использует алгоритмы ранжирования для определения порядка
Пользователям токена Парето предоставляется информация, созданная Контентом
Авторы. Результат алгоритма ранга называется водопадом, и он похож на таблицу лидеров.

Существуют различные критерии, которые влияют на положение пользователя в
в водопаде, и это можно использовать стратегически для получения информации быстрее, чем другие пользователи.

Авторы контента также получают стимул для создания контента, который может
отслеживаются между пользователями, а также конкурируют за оптимальную информацию о типе и цене для сети Pareto.

  • Участники контента доставляют контент в сеть Pareto
  • Сеть Pareto распространяет контент для пользователей Token в приоритетном порядке
  • Чтобы поддерживать или улучшать свое положение в водопаде, пользователи Token награждают PXT спонсорами контента. Пользователи, которые не тратят свои жетоны, или пытаются использовать Pareto

токены для спекуляции, находятся в невыгодном положении, не увеличивая их места в сети. Токены присуждаются участникам контента - эти дополнения присуждаются непосредственно из сети Pareto
Рыночная стоимость Парето
Откуда взялось значение маркера Pareto?
Свидетельства Парето столь же ценны, как и информация о Сети Парето, или столь же важны, как и будущая информация о Сети Парето.
Тонер Pareto запросил доступ к сети Pareto. Выходные токены с
Платное содержание Contributor - лучший способ оценивать
получать информацию, доступную в Сети Парето, на ранней стадии. Таким образом,
Значки Pareto представляют собой плату за доступ пользователей к сети Pareto и
получать контент в оптимальное время, чем другие пользователи.
Людям предоставляется стимул вводить информацию в Сеть Парето, потому что
они могут получить больше информации, чем распространять информацию, а не
только информация. У аналитиков и инженеров обычно нет
капитала или инфраструктуры, необходимых для наиболее эффективного использования
нюансированная информация. Помимо поиска людей с капиталом, переговоров
самым прибыльным стимулом является минное поле и
период времени, в течение которого информация может быть действительна в ближайшее время. Наконец, многие формы привилегированной информации
возросла ответственность, если на нее
Вторичный рынок
Утилита токена Pareto заключается в том, что это единственный способ получить доступ к этой информации
описанных в Сети Парето. Алгоритм ранжирования сети Pareto
весит тяжело, чтобы владеть и тратить токены Парето, чтобы заплатить за контент-авторов, которые способствуют уменьшению токенов Парето. Существует функция
что стимулирует ликвидность вторичного рынка, обеспечивая легкость получения
Тесты Pareto для доступа и получения оптимальных оценок в сети Pareto
и убеждение, что рынок поддерживает цену, на которую он зарабатывает.
Цена токена Парето достигнет равновесия с коэффициентом отражения
воспринимаемая ценность информации, доступной в Сети Парето. Каждый баланс токена Парето выше того, что равновесие станет потоком капитала, поскольку оно имеет ценность
которые могут быть выделены на
ценные или другие потенциальные возможности. Таким образом, пользователи, достигшие равновесия, будут продавать
некоторые из их квот Парето на вторичном рынке. Пользователь достигает
баланса путем создания прибыли с их внешним торговым капиталом на основе
информацию, которую они получают в сети Pareto.
Другие места ликвидности будут получены из контрольных платежей Парето
принятые Content Contributors для раскрытия информации. Чтобы реализовать
оплата за свои взносы, аналитики и

эти проницательные люди могут часто продавать свой токен Парето тем, кто
хочет, чтобы токен Парето оплачивал дополнительный контент и заправлял
Pareto, которые они ранее потратили и, таким образом, улучшили свой рейтинг в таблице лидеров). При ограниченном числе PXT, потребность пользователя в получении информации от участников будет генерировать новые и новые токены для покупки через вторичный рынок.
Конкуренция между рейтингами будет способствовать покупке Pareto напрямую непосредственно со вторичного рынка, а также предоставлению платных Content Contentors

Сеть Парето создает новые экосистемы, которые повысят эффективность
в создании и распространении ценной информации для инвесторов.
Экосистемы будут обеспечивать стимулы и механизмы для различных
отдельных лиц и организаций для создания и обмена этой информацией и
затем получить компенсацию за свои усилия. Это расширит охват существующей информации и предоставит рыночным механизмам для инвесторов доступ к ценной информации.
Эта экосистема будет способствовать рационализации рынка для
блокировать инвестиции и облегчать выделение
более эффективный капитал в секторе

это революционная и быстро растущая глобальная экономика. В контексте более повседневного человека, позволяющие тем, кто посвящает свое время и таланты на этой арене, извлечь выгоду из понимания Вильфредо Парето о том, что некоторые материалы учитывают большую часть результатов

для получения дополнительной информации о проекте «{PARETO}» введите наш адрес веб-сайта ниже и спасибо:

АВТОР АВТОРЫ: {epengcupeng12};u=1322362

ARCONA - Building a New Digital Layer In The Real Room

30 December 2017
Hello every friend!
Back again with me epengcupeng12 here I will discuss a very good project about the project " ARCONA " Let's start ?

Become the owner of the new Digital Land. A blockchain-powered ecosystem will bring the real world and the virtual world together and create a huge layer of reality that is the Digital Land.

Its main features include:
  • Remote Setup - Arcona will let everyone develop virtual projects anywhere in this virtual world and they will not have to leave their favorite seats. They can choose the most popular and most visited places and can create their own world all on top of Digital Land.
  • Build and Trade - The world market will be open to the Arcona ecosystem. They will be able to buy, sell, and lease portions of Digital Land. Make money by creating and selling the content they have produced better and more amazingly.
  • Property protection - Smart contracts on blockchain guarantee copyright and copyright protection. This system will automatically send royalty payments to the content creator and lease out to the owner of digital assets.

Main asset
The main assets of the Arcona ecosystem are Digital Land, built on a blockchain value. The land use law will be determined in the Ethereal contract. Anyone will be able to buy many of their own items in exchange for the standard token ERC20 - Arcona.

They rule.
And then their land - that's their rule. Every digital Digital Land is linked to a definite location in the physical world. This is where the owner will attract more people to share with them the results of all the work.

Details of ICO.
  • Number of tokens issued: 100,000,000
  • Token type: ERC20
  • Basic price: 1 Token equals 1 USD
  • Hard Cap: $ 35M
  • ICO start: November 27, 201
  • The expiry date of ICO: December 27, 2017
  • No evidence will be released after ICO
Goal for 2018.
  • Quarter 1 - This quarter will see Arcona's market launch and account unit, and the development kit will be sold. Land sale auction for the token holder will commence.
  • Quarter 2 - Launch AR viewer prototypes and apps with bonuses for scouts and testers.
  • 3rd Quarter - Launch technical prototype for AR Grid tool and remote positioning for mobile platform.
  • 4th Quarter - Launch AR Viewer and start a program to entice users with field assignments to get Arcona tokens
Token Arcona.

Arcona Token is equal to the cost of digital assets and is the universal internet currency for the Arcona ecosystem. This token will be used for the purchase of all digital goods and services within the ecosystem. This Arcona Token will ensure the infrastructure needed to build a new digital layer in the real space will be done. This will allow this ecosystem to duplicate itself and be filled with a variety of content. All Arcona token holders will be able to subsidize the establishment of the ecosystem. They will be given or offer an opportunity to get payment in a token to:

  • • Thesis
  • • Develop blocks and software content
  • • System test


ICO start date: November 27, 2017

for more information about the "{ ARCONA }" project go to our website address below and thank you :


Hello every friend!
Back again with me epengcupeng12 here I will discuss a very good project about the project " forty sevenLet's start ?

Image result for forty seven bank coin bounty

- Introduction to the market :

The global financial system is a global framework for formal and informal legal and institutional arrangements and informal economy actors to facilitate the flow of international financial capital for investment purposes. and commercial finance. This system has grown significantly since the late 19th century during the first wave of modern globalization of the economy, characterized by the founding of the Central Bank, intergovernmental multilateral agreements and organizations to increase transparency and efficiency of international markets.

In the 21st century, in the context of unfavorable commercial and investment activity, amid fears of a revival of protectionism, the risk of trade revenge, along with the ability to change policy in the US, the world's major economies, under a new president, may have an impact on the economy others, the international organization's forecast, major general, still show cautious optimism from the global economic outlook for 2017.

In line with the traditional market economy facing recession, a new financial world called Cryptocurrency was formed in 2009 thanks to the pioneer of the Bitcoin value chain. block

Throughout its formation and development, the Cryptocurrency market is now capitalized at over $ 169 billion and trading volume is $ 5 billion per day (updated in Coinmarketcap). Thanks to that process, the Forty Seven Bank project was born.

- Introduction to the project:

D and carry out Forty Seven Bank projects was established and launched in 2017 by experts in marketing, finance, information technology, economics and experts in the gaming industry. The Forty Seven Bank project was created to bridge the world of traditional finance using physical currency into the world of Cryptocurrency, also known as the world of digital money. The launch of the Forty Seven Bank project will be a major turning point for the global economic market to keep pace with the advancements in modernization technology.

- The great potential and benefits of this project:

Look at Japan, where Bitcoin is considered a legitimate currency in their country and every commodity is allowed to trade and pay with Bitcoin. Japan is the third largest economy in the world, receiving assets from the world of digital money, and showing us that the cryptocurrency market is a market. His school is very fertile and potential. Not only in Japan, but also some big countries adopt Bitcoin and study the crypto world to operate as a traditional economy such as the United States, Britain, Finland, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, etc. Currently, market development potential is unlimited and means the project development potential is also unlimited.

With the rapid development of technology known as chain block, there has been a technological revolution. Since then, great minds, people who have brought aspirations and aspirations from around the world, have created many projects with distinctive new technology. But apart from Bitcoin and the clever deal created by the Ethereum project, so far no project has the capacity and vision to create a strong relationship to link everything together. . The Forty Seven Banks E project is the next generation to follow the two men in front of him and may surpass in the near future, as the Forty Seven Bankakan project spearheaded the development of an appropriate PSD2 chaining system and smart contracts, API and biometric technology and artificial intelligence. In addition, the Forty Seven Bank project will offer unique encryption products such as bonds, futures and options.

The best thing to do and give trust to investors is the Forty Seven Bank project listed in London, UK :

"The UK government and regulators have favorable conditions for secrecy requirements and other digital asset initiatives.London itself is also a major financial hub, allowing access to significant foreign exchange in the world's total foreign exchange.Because this may be drawn a statement that London can provides a solid basis for claims of crypto-curent services and its progress.

Forty Seven Bank team has successfully developed financial technology products and completed their legal registration process within UKA's legal framework. "

Not only that, the financial market trend will undergo major changes next year that is the centralized market to the decentralized market and has been implemented by the European Commission (PSD) with PSD2 and arrested. Forcing financial institutions to provide access to other products and services through the Application Programming Interface (API). The successful integration of this directive will create a market for trading and transactions, and will bring investors closer to digital assets. For more information, visit the following link:

- The main objectives of the project:

The Forty Seven Bank project will attract financial partners through the Forty Seven Bank-Cryptobonds project. The main objective of the Forty Seven Bank project is to create a marketplace where projects will hold key positions in both the short and long term. Cryptobonds will be traded on different exchanges but mostly reside on one of the trading platforms developed by the Forty Seven Bank project.

- Financial products and utilities, services that can be brought by forty-seven Bank projects to individuals, organizations, etc.

In addition to the ever-evolving financial markets, concerns that investors are always worried about the confidentiality of information and private property. The Forty Seven Bank project will ensure that individual, business, financial, government, and other investors have the confidentiality of information and property owned by the Forty Seven Bank project itself. built by blockbuster technology from Bitcoin and ETH smart contracts. The Forty Seven Bank project will also bring unique innovation through cutting-edge security technologies and convenient services to create a safe and friendly environment for investors. Forty-seven banks will enable investors to trade digital assets quickly, safely and comfortably.

Currently, there are so many fundraising projects that are created without strict control or management, which causes many investors to experience problems or not. want. The Forty Seven Bank project will address this issue by testing, evaluating open source and providing assessments for the project. The Forty Seven Bank project will support the project with the development of a margin and smart contract that will allow clients to handle all legal and accounting issues through bank services. and legal consultancy services in the country.

Forty-seven Bank projects for individual users:

Forty-seven Banks will apply biometric technology to banks, so customers can be assured of fast and secure transactions. This technology is one of the most advanced security technologies currently used by large banks for their security systems. Everyone has unique biological properties, personal biometric data with facial features, retinal images, sounds will be combined by software to generate passwords for Electronic commerce, the method is "multi factor biometric technology." The evolution of this technology has transformed traditional security tools from paper-based fingerprint and scanning to digital scanning and archiving.

"Shortly after it is fully determined th he trust the customer and registered more in the database operation is completed, the customer can access the following services with d and implement Forty Seven Bank projects IBAN Supply, access to electronic security wallets and credit cards, credit and debit cards , personal and travel insurance, loans, access to Forty Seven Bank application platform with multiple applications, invoices, brokers and investment services, etc. "

  • The Forty Seven Bank project enables individual clients to have the opportunity to analyze and manage all financial activities in the currency using the flexible analysis function of intelligent software developed by the project. . For high-tech customers, they will be able to manage their bank accounts through the API.
  • This forty-seven bank project can also provide invoices to individual clients as needed. In the world of cryptocurrency there are several projects that build this billing platform independently, but the Forty Seven Bank project has been able to integrate and deliver this service to its customers.

  • Forty Seven Bank project enables customers to borrow and deposit money either digitally or in cash.

  • Individual investors can create their own portfolios through investment services and brokers provided by the Forty Seven Bank project.
  • The forty-seven banks will offer products such as insurance, payment, money transfer, cash withdrawal through ATM savvy developed by project and ATM from its project partners. with some other useful products.

Forty Seven Bank Projects for Business :

The Forty Seven Bank project will provide services available through the API for ease of management through smart contracts or customer applications. This project enables the creation of fully autonomous business thanks to full API access to project products and all of its functions.

E-commerce or e-commerce is the purchase of products or services on electronic systems such as internet and computer networks. E-commerce is an excellent tool to help businesses actively seek customers and trade online. With services developed by Forty Seven Bank, businesses can actively seek customers around the world, and businesses can reach all potential customers, whenever and wherever. In addition to reaching customers, Forty Seven Bank also offers online payment services on websites, platforms, applications and games that are easy to use. The Forty Seven Bank project will help businesses pay traditional cash through credit portals or direct debit. Other than that,

Through a smart banking deal that manages and secures company invoices, the Forty Seven Bank project will provide solutions for the best solutions for their short and long term growth. long term to expand market and profit growth. The Bank will integrate artificial intelligence to help businesses build customer credit risk portfolios. In addition, the Forty Seven Bank project will provide services to businesses seeking access to financial resources through ICO fundraising events. This service will include legal assistance, warranty arrangements, and support for converting the equivalent digital currency into cash.

The Forty Seven Bank project approached the merchant :

For traders, account management and the advantages of each function on the trading floor are indispensable. Currently, there are many large and small trading floors operating in markets such as Bittrex, Poloniex, Bitfinex, etc ... but they do not fully support the functionality that traders need. or even personal security verification takes a lot of time. Recently a series of accounts on the trading floor of Bittrex have locked up the function and asked them to verify their identity abruptly, causing them to surprise and not cause any harm to the merchant or even Someone has sent a confirmation request but is not accepted.

The transaction platform of the Forty Seven Bank project allows users to track and access transaction reports, using escrow trading features as another conventional trading platform, which facilitates compliance. Market analysis and performance analysis to help merchants get the most accurate and optimal analysis. In addition, traders also experience trading platforms from the Forty Seven Bank project that is integrated in full-featured smartphones such as: exchange of assets, options, foreign exchange, and both futures contracts.

The Forty Seven Bank project is able to provide all the trader's needs for operations, enabling them to easily acquire and capture the market in a timely manner. Going forward, the foundation developed by the Forty Seven Bank project will appeal to large / small investors along with financial institutions worldwide. Supply and demand is a major source of growth for the Forty Seven Bank project.

- The Forty Seven Bank project uses state-of-the-art financial technology to build the foundation:

Smart contract

In 1994, Nick Szabo, a law graduate who is also a participant of the digital money industry, realized that it was possible to use a power of attorney for a smart contract or a different name. auto co In this format, contracts can be converted into computer code, stored and copied, and controlled by a network of computers running the block technology. It also affects general ledger feedback such as money transfers or product / service receipts.

The Forty Seven Bank project is built on Ethereal ethical contract (ET). This contract will help you to transparently transfer any money, assets, stock or other value while avoiding third party involvement. The easiest way to describe a smart contract is to visualize the technology as a vending machine. Often you have to find a lawyer or a notary, pay them and wait for documents, receipts. But with a smart contract, you simply enter ETH into the vending machine (ledger), and anything you ask will be returned directly to your account. In addition, smart contracts not only verify the same terms and obligations as traditional contracts but also automatically enforce them.

In addition, the project has created an FSBT coin that integrates the ERC20 tag of Ethereum's Smart Agreement to be used as a project asset in exchange, purchase / sale in the pre-mature market. digit number

Block series:

The original definition was written by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and is found in the Bitcoin source code published in 2009. The nature of chains is a shared transparency ledger shared by many users. Shared tracking and management. Whenever Bitcoin is spent, a transaction is made, the user can find details such as the payee, the recipient and the number of Bitcoin transactions. This chain is a revolutionary technology in the financial industry and has the highest level of security confidentiality. Forty-seven banks have captured the time and adopted this advanced technology into the project transaction platform.

With anonymity, the person making the transaction will not be hijacked by the attacker and will ensure that the person making the transaction can not be searched for his identity, the transaction will become more secure. ever.

API technology:

The API is currently a core element in software development and has been considered a special platform development method such as Microsoft Windows for decades. Good infrastructure and applications that have made some great companies decades ago are broken down and widely distributed to programmers. This is due to the small features and services that can be easily incorporated into more complex applications. As a result, developers have been able to focus their efforts on building unique features that make their apps different and add extra features to their larger products through API code snippets. .

The Forty Seven Bank project uses API technology to create services to meet the needs of every customer. Forty Seven Bank will provide payment services for businesses and merchants to process online payment requests for customers. The Forty Seven project will meet internal payment needs through the services provided by the project. In addition, the API developed by this project will launch financial applications through the app store. Not only that, the Forty Seven Bank project has also released many other services through advanced API technology, for more services, Mr. c technology. which projects the supply of C Hamlet visit the following link: https: //

- Project development team:

Forty Seven Bank is a project of gathering people with passion, with the ability to see future market potential and the desire to innovate traditional financial market money market acceptance. Digital money has brought those ambitious people together and created a great project. In addition, the project has received the support of experts with years of experience in finance, technology and services and they have accepted work as consultants for this project.

With outstanding financial and enthusiasm support, along with the services and technologies developed by this project, the Forty Seven Bank project has a very long-term future. Advanced and project scale is not trivial. The Forty Seven Bank project will create innovations in the financial world that will link traditional markets and cryptographic markets. Currently, no projects are capable of building foundation, supply and development projects such as Forty Seven Bank.

                                                   - Project development information :

The forty-seven Bank fundraising events will be divided into two stages: Pre-ICO and ICO. In this phase 2 cents FSBT by d and implementing projects released Forty Seven Banks E is sold to investors to raise funds for development projects.

  • Pre-ICO: will start on 30/10/2017 (15:00, GMT + 1) and end on 06/11/2017 (23:59, GMT + 1). Once investors participate in this project, 30% will be awarded.
  • ICO: a period of fundraising takes place on 2017/11/13 2 (15:00, GMT + 1) expires on 2017/11/12 (23:50 GMT + 1.). At this stage investors will only get 15% bonus and will be reduced with a milestone.

  • The price for each FSBT coin is: 0.0047 ETH.

In the pre-ICO fundraising phase, the project only accepts investments by ET. In the second phase (ICO) the project will receive payment of 2 cents as ET and BTC.

for more information about the "{forty-seven}" project go to our website address below and thank you: