Website - https://bitfence.io/
About Bitfence
ISSUE: 100% of companies in the world are attacked by hackers and the average detection time is 256 days (Ponemon 2015 Report) which causes enormous economic and privacy damage. Similar attacks recur on multiple targets before they are detected, understood, and mitigated.
SOLUTION: BitFence Detect, redirect, and counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems and give your security team an unfair advantage to hackers.
HOW TO WORK: Community members "mining" hackers by running honeynet nodes rewarded with HNY tokens. We associate shared information and provide a 0 day threat feed to customers who can purchase a subscription with an HNY token.
For Corporations

Better protection from hackers at a lower cost. We take care of your security, so you can concentrate on developing your business.
BitFence offers the most efficient and cost-effective protection from hackers compared to FireEye, McAfee, RSA, and more.
The protection provided by BitFence will block high risk hosts, malicious payloads, viruses, malware, suspicious addresses automatically in seconds worldwide after threats "mined" by our StingMiners network and risks are assessed with BitFence Engine.
For everyone

With more connected devices in every home - not just laptops and mobile phones, but all IOT devices like refrigerators, air conditioners, stoves, security cameras and even childrens toys - we become very vulnerable to hackers in everyday life.
BitFence home router comes pre-configured with automatic security updates from BitFence stores. This is a plug-and-play installation that keeps your home protected with a corporate-level cyber defense system at very little cost.
For miners

You do not need a powerful computer or ASIC to mine HNY. All you need is an internet connection and a public IP address. The mining options are:
You can run miner apps on your Windows / Mac / Linux machine. One per IP address.
You can download images of SD Card Raspberry PI / BeagleBone and I with PI 24/7
You can get pre-configured tools from us to run on each virtualization container
- HNY Utility Token Sale (TGE)
- Token Type ERC20
- Token Minting Model No pre-mint, printed on purchase, immediate delivery
- Structure of TGE 30 days pre-sales + 60 days sales
- Payment methods accepted ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH
- Absolute Max Number of HNY printed 1,000,000,000
- Maximum HNY is available during TGE 50% or 500,000,000
- Soft Cap (in USD) $ 1,000,000
- Maximum Hard Cap (in USD) $ 50,000,000 *
- HNY Price Base 1 ETH = 6000 HNY
- Volume Discount Starting from 10 ETH = 10%, 20 ETH = 20%, etc.
- Referral Bonus 10%
* - Max Hard Cap is a stretching goal with targets staged from 5, 10, 20 and 35 million.
April 1, 2018
Pre-sale Start at 00:00 UTC
The first 40% discount is 2 weeks.
Then go down linearly.
There is no minimum purchase.
Volume discount is valid.
May 1, 2018
TGE Start at 0:00 UTC
The discount is linearly down to 0% on June 30th.
There is no minimum purchase.
Volume discount is valid.
Referral bonus applies.
July 1, 2018
TGE Ends at 0:00 UTC
Crowdsale is done. Bonuses and bounties are paid. Orders received after TGE expires will be canceled and refunded.

AI and Machine Learning
2015 - 2017 | AI Classification Engine Created
First artificial intelligence classification engine using supervised learning models created. Initially designed to classify EDC medical data engine was applied to analyze cybersecurity threat data (logs, packet capture) and produced incredible results.
HoneyNet on a Blockchain Created
Q2 2017 - Q1 2018 | First successful POC
Core team successfully created and peer reviewed fully functional proof of concept of HoneyNet, soon to become BitFence. First prototype of StingMiner IoT device created based on Raspberry Pi micro single-board computer.
HNY Token Pre-Sale Starts
April 1, 2018 - May 1, 2018 | 00:00:00 UTC
HNY pre-sale token starts. Pre-sale offers maximum discount (40%) on tokens for early buyers for the first two weeks, then linearly goes down. No minimum purchase. Volume discounts apply.
Play TGE Event (HNY Token Sale)
May 1, 2018 - July 1, 2018 | 00:00:00 UTC
Play TGE starts. Discount linearly drops to 0% on June 30. No minimum purchase. Volume discounts apply. Referral bonuses apply.
MVP Launch
Q3 2018 | BitFence Engine and StingMiner
Launch of BitFence ecosystem MVP with basic subscription services. Enterprise firewall and F5 integration. Initial rollout of StingMiner solution. Start of channel marketing to top enterprise integrators.
Release of BitFence CyberStore
Q4 2018 | BitFence Threat Marketplace
BitFence releases CyberStore with software and hardware solutions available for purchasing with HNY tokens. BitRouter release. Marketing wave and start of Enterprise sales.
Release of BitFence Personal Firewall
Q1-Q3 2019 | Personal and Mobile Firewall Release
A BitFence solution that can be installed on any stand-alone Windows / OSX / Linux computer to protect it from hackers is released. SDK to integrate threat intelligence data in iOS and Android mobile apps released.
Industrial Embedded IoT Solution
Q4 2019 | Integration with SCADA ICS Infrastructure
BitFence ICS Solution specially targeted for supervisory control and data acquisition control system architecture used in all industrial systems including manufacturing, process control, power generation, fabrication, and refining,
For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :
- Website : https://bitfence.io/
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/
- Telegram : https://t.me/bitfence
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/BitFence_
- Whitepaper : https://bitfence.io/data/BitFenceWP-EN-1.6b.pdf
Article Writer : Epengcupeng12
BitcoinTalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1322362
ETH : 0x9A131b646dE6c83Ffd5703ebFf9Ac03869357E61
BitcoinTalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1322362
ETH : 0x9A131b646dE6c83Ffd5703ebFf9Ac03869357E61
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