What is SP8DE
Sp8de is a protocol for a decentralized blockbuster-based platform with many features needed for the growing blockchain gambling industry and its robust adoption is not present in existing projects in this space.
Chance game is a game with risk; The fact is the risks ... and, of course, the reward. However, everything is said. In fact, this is just an abstract concept and a lack of mathematical substance. This is just an artifact of ancient man-made games built around a concept that is at least as old as the universe itself. This concept is commonly called chaos or randomness: the absence of a pattern or combination that can be understood.
Still sounds abstract. Therefore, when applied to the game, randomness is a basic concept: it is a process that can not be manipulated, and regularly gives a series of countless numbers that determine who wins and who loses. This is basically a really refreshing number. The process of generating these numbers is not possible:
- Managed by any evil party,
- Recognized with great likelihood, taking into account the input of available information before scrolling, or
- Supervised by someone before others ... at least theoretically,
- Also of course need to be repeated.
A canonical example of an artificial mechanism that, if enough, is sufficient to meet this important quality, is a roulette commonly used in almost all casinos worldwide. Thus, playback of roulette wheels through our 4 prerequisites to create a random number that can be applied to the casino :
- This wheel generates self-renewal (meaning recursive generation of new numbers - over time) sets the numbers and colors of winning pockets for multiple periods
- Rolling manipulation is not permitted under good wheel conditions,
- Many people, who tend to be mathematical in the history of mankind, develop and use sophisticated methods to "guess" (more like "forecasting certain game results with statistically significant and, more importantly, interesting economic probabilities") of different casino games, including roulette) provides a set of inputs: little if they ever work;
- Of course, this is repeated: each steering wheel by the dealer represents a new iteration, which generates a number of randomly selected values.
Blockchain and Casino
In the future, we describe the protocol of a decentralized blockchain platform to develop applications for casinos with several unique functions, whose execution is strongly lost in existing projects currently in this space. The concept of a decentralized consensus underlying the blockade is based on the application of clever cryptographic and game theories. Combined, they created a trusting economy and persisted in great potential to revolutionize many of the classical industries.
This blockchain technology framework is a clear candidate to consider in the development of online gambling, because, presumably, it believes in the consideration and need for transparency - and is always used for
into - the two main pillars of the gambling industry [6], [7], [8], [9]. In particular, blockchain has the potential to provide transparency for all transactions, dramatically reducing the home side, virtually eliminating transactions.
cost, ensuring the anonymity of participants and, ultimately, creating trust between players and other industry participants. This fast pile of technologies offers great potential for improving online gambling, but it also brings many new traps that are barely (at all) explored and poorly understood. To understand the benefits of blocking, you need to study the casino economy (institutional point of view). Knowing the problem requires an overview of the mechanism of blockchain technology.
So why is the existing online gambling blockade attracting the attention of the average person ?
Economic gambling: institutional perspective

Despite the fact that the gambling industry has undergone a difficult economic and sociological change throughout its long history has radically changed the institutional and competitive landscape - from the standpoint of the proposal, it has changed significantly from the point of view of those who want it. . to try his luck. Actually this game is still the same as the game that dominates the casino scene, still a chance that determines your trust, and still a classic transaction costs that hinder the process, because the world we live in, without friction.
From here, we can look at casinos from the standpoint of institutional economics, the branch of economics that studies the influence of institutions on the behavior of economic entities.
One of the major roles that financial institutions play in modern economies is to save on transaction costs, which facilitate financial transactions, which are otherwise impossible. They also serve as escons, known as trusted third parties, which promote trust among participants, allowing them to exchange more effectively than they should.
In this description, casinos act as "gambling" intermediaries who are aware of the impact of scale, maintaining order and quality of service, thus facilitating "conditional" transactions - tariffs.
Let's imagine the evolution of the gambling industry as a way to reduce transaction costs, when innovative industry innovators try to take a piece of ordinary cake from an old employee, bringing gambling toward a goal without friction.
In this vein, classic casinos reduce security and search costs, facilitate standardization, use chips and have rules at home, and most importantly, be mindful of the effects of scale by uniting united people.
the desire to gamble Following this line of reasoning, online casinos, performing the same functionality as their classic brick and mortar colonies, also facilitate the ease and cost savings of the players. The main reason for their existence, however, comes from the lighter cost structure, which is marked by virtually zero marginal cost to add new customers. This leads to ove costs

Token Distribution
There are 8,888,888,888 SPX tokens ever supplied. Initially, during ICO, SPX will be issued in the Ethereal blockchain as ERC20 tokens. More detailed information can be found in WHO whitepapers and description of ICO. Token sales are organized in 9 stages: one pre-sale sale and four tokens, each followed by jackpot rotation.
As indicated earlier the price of one SPX coin increases with each round of sales. Number of tokens sold and jackpotted larger each next round except pre-sales. Each jackpot is played among all existing token holders.
Previous participation allows participation in more jackpot rounds. For example, taking part in Pre-Sale and Sale first gives access to all four jackpots. However, participation in, say the third Sales will give access only to Jackpot three and four.
Please, be sure to understand the ICO Spade process mechanism before taking part in it. Do not just rely on graphics and be sure to understand the meaning of all its components and especially the highlighted segments of the jackpot rod.





for more information about ico You can also join our website address below so many of me and thank you very much:
- Website : https://sp8de.com/
- Whitepaper : https://sp8de.com/sp8de_white_paper.pdf
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/SP8DE_Official
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sp8deofficial/
- Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/B-YJaQ_ULpPKAzPHFPUa-Q
- Medium : https://medium.com/@sp8de
- Github : https://github.com/SP8DE
Article Writer : Epengcupeng12
ETH : 0x9A131b646dE6c83Ffd5703ebFf9Ac03869357E61
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