Hello friends this time saying that I will discuss about xmoneta, as well as superior and excess xmoneta itself is a new innovation that seems today because xmoneta want to make it easier for man to do what he wants more let us read to finish friend
Tired of the ancient trends, promoted by banks and global companies, Xmoneta decided to choose another path. The Way of the Future, free from mass surveillance, control of your thinking, finances, and life goals. Our goal is to create a universal messenger and be completely safe. The new app will be based on Blockchain technology and will allow users to chat, send messages, make orders, buy goods, trade with people and hold money. All in one application. That's how Xmoneta was born

The main goal of Xmoneta Messenger is to gather many opportunities in one place. One can chat, call, buy goods in the online market, pay bills and even send a lot of money with Xmoneta Messenger.
Our goal is to create a universal application that gives its users the opportunity to do many things together with communication. We have another approach, using Blockchain as a key technology and developing a completely secure and completely free centralization message all in one app.
Xmoneta gives many benefits to its users. As :
- Earn money back from buying goods online
- Annual bonus holder token + 10%
- Debit cards that support CRYPTO and FIAT
- Buy tokens with up to 50% bonus before they are on the exchange
- Exchange and transfer of multiple currencies
- Free XMN transaction
- Buy and sell goods
- Getting XMN with your activity
- Get XMN with your content
- Crowd is funding your project
- Create a future with your XMN
Our goal is to shape the future of the messaging industry and realize dreams come true.
Bonus Token Sales up to 50%
and get an additional bonus ( additional ) + 20% !
Pre ICO :
- Bonus: 30%
- Extra Bonus: 50%
- Start date: January 25, 2018 ( 12:00 GMT London Time, GMT-0 )
- End date: February 25, 2018 ( 12:00 GMT London Time, GMT-0 )
ICO Rounds :
- Bonus : 20%
- Bonus Additional : 40%
- Start date : March 13, 2018 ( 12:00 PM London Time, GMT-0 )
- End date : April 8, 2018 ( 12:00 GMT London Time, GMT-0 )
Round of ICO B :
- Bonus : 10%
- Extra Bonus : 30
- Start date : April 9, 2018 ( 12:00 GMT London Time, GMT-0 )
- End date : April 30, 2018 ( 12:00 GMT London Time, GMT-0 )
If you invest 20 ETH or more, you will earn added bonuses and special treatments !
Contact us info : @xmoneta.com for more information
Get a free Xmoneta card !

brings cryptocurrencies to offline use.
500 kartu pertama diberikan kepada 500
distributor token penjualan paling awal 10 ET
XMN - Xmoneta token symbol
XMN is based on ERC20 Ethereum token standard
Token price: 1 ETH = 2000 XMN
- Total supply: 1 000,000,000 XMN
- XMN Token Sale Pre ICO
- 5% - 50 000 000
- XMN Token Sale ICO
- 20% - 200 000 000
- XMN for messenger ecosystem, rewards, bounty, affiliate
- 70% - 700 000 000
- XMN for team, advisors, community, initiatives, etc.
- 5% - 50 000 000
- ICO Soft cap 1000 ETH
- Pre ICO cap 16000 ETH
- ICO raund A cap 35000 ETH
- ICO raund B cap 38000 ETH
- ICO Hard cap 89000 ETH
- Legal qualification ; Utility token
- GAS limit: 300 000
- Accepted crypto currencies – Ether ( ETH )

Minimum Investment : unlimited but recommended 0.1 ETH
- Amount of tokens per one person : unlimited
- Maximum transaction amount : unlimited
- All unsold tokens will be burned
Our team
The Xmoneta team gathers all types of specialists necessary
for the accomplishment of its mission.
The Advisory Board
The main concept of Xmoneta is completely mobile lifestyle, free from any borders. We are the witnesses of the birth of the one new global community, replacing traditional financial and social institutes. Our goal is a global free platform, connecting million people from around the world. We don’t want to be silent observers - we want to be creators. We want to spur the further development.
Join the new world with us !
for detailed information you can also visit our website address below so from me and thank you :
- Xmonetabsite : https://xmoneta.com
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/xmoneta.xmn
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/xmoneta_xmn
- Whitepaper : https://xmoneta.com/index.html#
- Telegram : https://t.me/xmoneta
Penulis Artikel : Epengcupeng12
ETh : 0x9A131b646dE6c83Ffd5703ebFf9Ac03869357E61
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