In recent years, countries around the world are increasingly using renewable energy sources (RES) than traditional hydrocarbons. The sun and wind are environmentally sound and not consumed when used. According to experts, renewable energy in the next 20 years will be the fastest growing value-added energy segment. Experts estimate that their share in total world electricity production by 2035 will increase significantly - about half of 21% today.

By 2015, renewable energy has recorded an increase in generations that increased by 147 GW, almost half achieved by installing wind turbines in accordance with the annual report of international organizations to support Renewable Energy REN21.
More than a third of investment in renewable energy sources is estimated at 329 billion. Dollar is invested in China, and thus developed countries were first developed due to funding in this sector. The number of people involved also increased and reached 8.1 million.
Ca. 18% of energy consumption worldwide is met from renewable sources of 13% of traditional biomass, for example. wood burning. Hydroelectric power is the second largest source of renewable energy, which provides 3% of energy consumption worldwide and 15% of world energy production.
Gaining green energy from wind energy increases by about 30% annually worldwide with an installed capacity of 121000 MW and is widely used in the US and Europe.
The Wepower project aims to increase the amount of green energy worldwide through blockchain technology.

Green energy has many advantages:
- Inexhaustible;
- ecological security
- Free access to source
- High efficiency.
The token holder of WPR will have priority to participate in the auction for the purchase of token energy when the renewable energy generation is connected to the platform. Energy allocation depends on the number of WPR tokens owned by the participants. In addition, WPR token owners are priced less than 0.9% of token energy, donated directly by renewable energy suppliers. The token holder of WPR can use or sell this energy.

Their team is led by energy experts Nick Martyniuk, Kaspar Kaarlep and Heikki Kolk, who leads a group of 12 highly experienced energy engineers and former Skype programmers.
WePower - a blockchain-based greenenergy trading platform
WePower enables renewable energy producers to raise capital by publishing their own energy labels. These tokens represent the energy they commit to be produced and delivered. The standardization of energy tokenisasi simplifies and opens the existing global energy investment ecosystem. As a result, energy producers can trade directly with green energy buyers (consumers and investors) and raise capital by selling energy upfront, below market prices. Energitokenisering sikrer likviditet og forlænger adillence til capital. WePower's blockfalk solution is currently recognized by Elering, one of the most innovative Transmission System Operators in Europe.
To optimize the financing cycle and open up access to capital, WePower allows energy to be energized. Encrypted energy is the contract mechanism between the second energy energy producer.
The token holder of WPR will have priority access to participate in the tokenizedenergy purchase auction once the renewable energy generation is connected to the platform. Energy allocation will be deducted by the number of WPR tokens held by the participants. In addition, WPR token holders are rewarded by not less than 0.9% of token energy donated directly by renewable energy providers. The token holder of WPR can use or sell this energy.
WePower comes to market at a very important time. På grund av en nedgang me tilskudd og øget energibesparelse, der konkurrerer til markedspris, banker beginding in øge efterspørgslen efter egenkapital faldende gæld til kapitalforhold. It moves from 20:80 to close to a 50:50 ratio for a new renewable energy project. Equity capital becomes a limited funding source that contributes to a decrease (-23% YoY) in investments due to smaller usage.
Energie tokenisering, med et platform bygget på et åbent database decentraliseret, åbner det grønne energimarked globalt for en bred pool af investorer. In an open platform, nieuwe energieprojecten niet afhankelijk van alleen lokale beleggers. Asset liquidity allows a better capital-to-debt ratio without the use of Government subsidies. Estimator Vi in forenkling af investeringsprocessen via WePower vil reducere finansieringsomkostningerne, som i sidste ende er delt mellem vedvarende energiproducenter og forbrugere / investorer.
The WePower platform is ready. You can try the demo version on our web page. We are currently working on the launch of our pilot project with the operator of the Elering transmission system. Current partners with renewable energy producers let WePower operate within 9 months after TGE. Release partners well through projekter, der skal finansieres for 2 years operation.
The project is supported by the United Nations and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, due to its potential social impact on climate change control. WePower vil dele del af sine teknologier til lande som implementerer grøn energy og CO2-regnskab, ved hjælp af blockchain teknologier.
WePower's innovative token model is clarified with European regulators. Detecting the structure of a valiant barrier, hvor bidragsydere er is rewarded energy energy at a place where the platform.


To get more details and join the current Wepower Project, you can review the links below:
- Website: https://wepower.network/
- Whitepaper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_OW_EddXO5RWWFVQjJGZXpQT3c/view
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WePowerNetwork
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/WePowerN
- Telegram: https://t.me/WePowerNetwork
Article Writer: Epengcupeng12
ETH: 0x9A131b646dE6c83Ffd5703ebFf9Ac03869357E61
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